Embracing Socially
Responsible Conduct
Corporate Social Responsibility
At the heart of our business is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). RUBiS is committed to being involved in each country in which it operates as an economic, social and cultural player.

RUBiS Bahamas Limited strives to create positive change in the Bahamian community through charitable corporate contributions in the form of donations and sponsorships, as well as employee giving and volunteerism. RUBiS aims to support select organizations under various causes including, but not limited to, Culture, Education, Environment, Health Awareness, Sports and Youth Development.
Donation: A donation is considered the grant of money (or anything of value) for charitable or social means, to an organization, entity or community, that the company believes is classified as philanthropy.
Sponsorship: A sponsorship is considered the grant of money (or anything of value) to cover all, or part, of the cost activities such as seminars, conventions or events (e.g. sporting, artistic and entertainment) in return for commercial and institutional recognition of RUBiS.
Donation and sponsorship requests for consideration should be addressed and submitted as follows:
Addressed to:
Micah Knowles
Sales & Marketing Manager
Submitted to:
RUBiS Head Office at #62 University Drive, Nassau, Bahamas
*Donation and sponsorship requests are reviewed on a monthly basis. Before approval, the prospective beneficiary will be required to complete an Anti-Corruption Questionnaire and Anti-Corruption Compliance Agreement.

CSR Activities

Rubis Bahamas Hosts its Very First Blood Drive
Saturday, April 15th Rubis Bahamas Limited hosted its very first blood drive. Rubis partnered with major brands including, Doctors Hospital; the only private hospital in the Bahamas, Vitamalt; a popular malt known to replenish the blood and provide energy and, Radio House; a top media house, for a successful event.

RUBiS Goes BLUE for Autism Awareness Month
April 2023 is no exception, Rubis Bahamas Limited continues to support Resources and Education for Autism Related Challenges (R.E.A.C.H) to bring awareness to a growing area that continues to affect boys and girls. It is estimated that Autism affects 1 in 100 children according to The World Health Organization.